Rubin Family ChiropracticCall Us Today 770-937-6300

I give his practice my highest recommendation!       -      Thank you for literally changing my life!      -      Life saver!      -      We love Dr. Rubin and his staff!!      -      Grateful for his expertise and personal touch...     -    Super warm and extremely family-friendly    -    Always feel so welcome and loved    -    It's rare to see healers actually walking their talk, and Dr. Rubin does that    


Ten Weeks of Wellness - Week 7: Go Gluten Free!

Posted: February 18, 2013
By: Dr. Drew Rubin
Hopefully you've been finding fun and creative ways to pay it forward this past week!  The positive energy will hopefully be enough to power you through this week's challenge...going Gluten-free!

Week 1 (Jan. 7): Posture Pod Exercises
 Week 2 (Jan. 14): Sleep
Week 3 (Jan. 21): Affirmation
 Week 4 (Jan. 28): Caffeine
Week 5 (Feb. 4): Walking
Week 6 (Feb. 11): Random Acts of Kindness
Week 7 (Feb. 18): Gluten Free
Week 8 (Feb. 25): Sunshine and Meditation
Week 9 (Mar. 4): Dairy Free
Week 10 (Mar. 11): Gratitude

We know this is a huge change for a lot of people, but it's one we at Rubin Family Chiropractic really find makes a HUGE difference in our patient's lives.  Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye.  It is important for binding molecules together, giving breads and baked goods their doughy texture, as opposed to just crumbling.  The problem is gluten is a highly inflammatory agent.  As it works it's way through the digestive tract it causes it to swell, which allows more of the gluten (and other potentially harmful particles) to get into the blood stream and wreak havoc else when in the body.  Even though few people have a severe allergy to gluten (known as Celiac's disease), many more have some level of sensitivity to gluten, which may not be detected by a traditional allergy test.  The best way to determine if you have sensitivity is to go gluten free for a couple of weeks and see home much better you feel!

For the purpose of our 10 Weeks of Wellness challenge, however, we're just asking you to go a day without gluten. If you make it 1 day, then try another, and so on.  Since the media has picked up on gluten sensitivity recently, it is becoming much easier to find gluten-free alternatives to everyday foods in your local grocery store.  Dr. Rubin has been gluten free for years and is happy to point you in the direction of his favorite products!

What about you?  What are some of your favorite gluten-free snacks and meals?  Let us know here or on our Facebook page!

Ten Weeks of Wellness - Week 6: Random Acts of Kindness

Posted: February 11, 2013
By: Dr. Drew Rubin
Welcome back, walkers!  Hopefully you've been up and moving over the last week - so much so that you didn't even realize we're past the halfway point of our challenge!.  That should have gotten your endorphins going for this week's challenge:  performing some Random Acts of Kindness!

Week 1 (Jan. 7): Posture Pod Exercises
Week 2 (Jan. 14): Sleep
Week 3 (Jan. 21): Affirmation
 Week 4 (Jan 28):  Caffeine
Week 5 (Feb. 4): Walking
Week 6 (Feb. 11): Random Acts of Kindness
Week 7 (Feb. 18): Gluten Free
Week 8 (Feb. 25): Sunshine and Meditation
Week 9 (Mar. 4): Dairy Free 
Week 10 (Mar. 11): Gratitude
There is no faster way to turn your day around than to have a complete stranger do something nice for you.  Think about the last time someone you didn't know said they liked your scarf or shoes - you walked a little taller, didn't you?  Intern Pam was on a Midnight Train to Georgia (yes, really)  a couple of weeks ago and she overheard the woman in front of her saying that a stranger whose table she was sat in the dining car had a nice conversation with her and then insisted on buying her dinner!  Moments like this are inspiring to the recipient of the act, but also to those within ear shot, too.  Many of you have likely seen the movie Pay It Forward, or perhaps the commercials for one insurance company that depict strangers observing kind acts and then performing their own.  This is not an unrealistic concept at all - and it can start with you!  Buy the person behind you in line their herbal tea, or hold the door open for the person behind you.  Carry someone's extra bag when their hands are full or cover the next person's toll payment on the 400.  There are so many simple ways to put a little bit of positive energy out there, and bring a smile to someone's face.

We can't wait to hear what you come up with!  Comment, email, or visit our Facebook to let us know!

Ten Weeks of Wellness - Week 5: Get Walking!

Posted: February 6, 2013
By: Dr. Drew Rubin
Welcome back, decaffeinated readers!  We hope you're doing well and noticing positive changes having cut out caffeine.  This week we're continuing with another little change that can make a big difference - just walk!

Week 1 (Jan. 7): Posture Pod Exercises
Week 2 (Jan. 14): Sleep
Week 3 (Jan. 21): Affirmation
Week 4 (Jan. 28): Caffeine Free
Week 5 (Feb. 4): Walking
Week 6 (Feb. 11): Random Acts of Kindness
Week 7 (Feb. 18): Gluten Free
Week 8 (Feb. 25): Sunshine and Meditation
Week 9 (Mar. 4): Dairy Free
Week 10 (Mar. 11): Gratitude
The health benefits of walking are astronomical.  Many people advocate that walking is even better than running in some cases. According to the Mayo clinic, these are some of the things you can look forward to when you incorporate running into your weekly routine:
  • Lower cholesterol
  • Losing weight
  • Improved heart health
  • Better mood
  • Decreased risk of Type II diabetes
And those are just the well-researched benefits - studies are constantly linking walking to the reduction in risk of developing other diseases such as Alzheimer's, eye degeneration, and cancer. It's low impact, but still weight bearing so this builds up bone strength, which is great for people with osteoporosis.  As you can see, there are so many good things about walking there real is no reason not to get to it!  All it takes is about 30 minutes a day, most days of the week.  In the grand scheme of things, that really not that much time - one TV show!  You can use a treadmill or, even better, to go outside and get some vitamin D! 
Here's how to earn your weekly tickets:
  • Walking for 30 minutes - 1 ticket per day (max. 5)
  • Post a picture of you (and your family1) walking on our Facebook - 2 tickets
  • Comment on this blog post or our Facebook page - 1 tickets
Good luck and get walking!

Ten Weeks of Wellness - Week 4: Lose the Caffeine!

Posted: January 30, 2013
By: Dr. Drew Rubin

Is everyone feeling affirmed!  Keep on reciting those affirmations and let us know how a positive attitude is changing your life.  And remember to keep that positive outlook as we move into this weeks challenge...going caffeine free!

Week 1 (Jan. 7): Posture Pod Exercises
Week 2 (Jan. 14): Sleep
Week 3 (Jan. 21): Affirmation
Week 4 (Jan. 28): Caffeine Free
Week 5 (Feb. 4): Walking
Week 6 (Feb. 11): Random Acts of Kindness
Week 7 (Feb. 18): Gluten Free
Week 8 (Feb. 25): Sunshine and Meditation
Week 9 (Mar. 4): Dairy Free
Week 10 (Mar. 11): Gratitude

It's not an easy task, but we think you're up for the challenge.  The benefits to giving up caffeine are numerous. Caffeine is a stimulant, meaning it speeds up the way your body works.  This puts stress on your nervous system. And consider the fact that most of us lead incredibly stressful lives already so you're getting double the dose of stress hormones coursing through your blood, causing your heart to beat faster, your adrenals to work harder and your muscles to tense.  These are all 'fight or flight' responses of the sympathetic division of your nervous system.  To complicate matters further, when your sympathetic nervous system is in overdrive, it's counterpart - the parasympathetic nervous system - is shut down.  This can affect your ability to 'rest and digest'.  Stop and think about some of the ways you feel when you are really worked up about something - now realize that this is what you're doing when you drink a cup of coffee!

Make sure when you do come off your caffeine to do it slowly!  We often forget that caffeine is a drug so we need to treat it like one! Caffeine withdrawal can cause headaches as blood vessels to the brain spasm (another effect of messing with the sympathetic/parasympathetic balance), so if you drink 3 cups a day, try going down to two, then one, then zero.  Drink plenty of water to aid in the process - and to rehydrate!
You deserve a reward for all of this, so here's how you can earn your tickets this week:
  • Cutting caffeine for the week - 1 ticket
    A great place to start would be to 1/2 your intake (4 cups to 2, 2 cups to 1, 1 to 1/2)

    ·         Try coffee substitutes-
    Aside from caffeine-free tea, there are lots of great coffee substitutes. Cafix, Teeccino, and Pero are all brands we have tried. 
    ·         Use non-dairy creamers like Silk brand for an even healthier treat!

  • Commenting on the blog or our Facebook page - 1 ticket
Good luck and we can't wait to hear how much better you feel!

Ten Weeks of Wellness - Week 3: Positive Affirmations!

Posted: January 21, 2013
By: Dr. Drew Rubin
Welcome to Week 3 of the Ten Weeks of Wellness program! We hope you are well-rested after last week's sleep challenge.  Keep right on sleeping and posture-podding away as we introduce our next challenge, in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day: writing and reciting a positive affirmation!

Week 1 (Jan. 7): Posture Pod Exercises
Week 2 (Jan. 14): Sleep
Week 3 (Jan. 21): Affirmation
Week 4 (Jan. 28): Caffeine Free
Week 5 (Feb. 4): Walking
Week 6 (Feb. 11): Random Acts of Kindness
Week 7 (Feb. 18): Gluten Free
Week 8 (Feb. 25): Sunshine and Meditation
Week 9 (Mar. 4): Dairy Free
Week 10 (Mar. 11): Gratitude
Positive affirmations are incredibly beneficial if you write them and say them properly.  The goal is to remove any question or doubt from the language you use to write them and from your intonation when you say them aloud (yes, out loud).  The affirmation can be as long or as short as you would like - as long as it's for you!
  • Be specific!:  Decide what you will be affirming and then use as many descriptors as you can to paint a clear picture of the person you want to be come. 
  • Think positive:  Don't use any negative words in your affirmation.  Your brain does not respond to negativity, so a poorly worded affirmation can back fire (Like saying "Don't forget the bag" often still results in forgetting the bag!)  For example, instead of saying "I am not depressed" try "I am an energetic and happy individual".
  • Fake it 'til you make it!:  The key to a good affirmation is to use language that assumes you already have achieved your goals.  Instead of saying "I want to be confident"  say "I am confident."  
  • Once you are satisfied with your affirmation, post it where you will see it often:  Places like your bathroom mirror or wallet/purse work well.  Read it out loud when ever you see it.
  • Yes, saying it is important!:  By saying the affirmation out loud, you are activating more senses and areas of your brain.  This increases the ability of the brain to manifest the changes you seek in your day-to-day life.  
Here are examples of Dr. Rubin's favorite affirmations:  "I can, I will, I must."  "I feel healthy, I feel happy. I feel terrific." (Both inspired by the late Dr Sid Williams).  His father used to say during stressful situations: "Everything's going to be fine." If you have a goal with a date in mind, here is how it should be written: "By March 31st I have completed the Couch to 5K challenge."  Remember affirmations are future paced statements of "I am" or "I have" and are not "I will" or "I'll try."

So give it a shot!  If you need any help, we are more than happy to review your affirmation here at the office, or you can check out this website if you need a little more guidance in the writing process.  And here's how you earn your tickets this week:

  • Writing your affirmation and saying it at least once a day: 1 ticket
  • Commenting on this blog or on a Facebook post: 1 ticket
  • Posting your affirmation to our Facebook page: 2 tickets

Ten Weeks of Wellness - Week 2: Get More Sleep!

Posted: January 14, 2013
By: Dr. Drew Rubin

Hopefully you've made some posture progress in your first week in the 10 Weeks of Wellness program.  Feel free to keep up those exercises that have become part of your routine as you move forward in 2013!  In the meantime we move on to our next goal - getting more sleep!

Week 1 (Jan. 7): Posture Pod Exercises
Week 2 (Jan. 14): Sleep
Week 3 (Jan. 21): Affirmation
Week 4 (Jan. 28): Caffeine Free
Week 5 (Feb. 4): Walking
Week 6 (Feb. 11): Random Acts of Kindness
Week 7 (Feb. 18): Gluten Free
Week 8 (Feb. 25): Sunshine and Meditation
Week 9 (Mar. 4): Dairy Free
Week 10 (Mar. 11): Gratitude

 We all lead busy lives between work, family, and friends - but it is vitally important to make time for sleep in our hectic schedules.  A lack of sleep is linked to a variety of conditions such as depression, heart disease, stroke, and diabetes.  Additionally, it can make your brain foggier and lead to an increased incidence of accidents.  With all of these things linked to reduced sleep, why is it often the first thing that we sacrifice in order to make more time? We need to start looking at proper sleep as a priority as opposed to a luxury.

So what are some changes you can make to improve your quality and quantity of sleep?  Here are some of our favorites - you can find more here:
  • Try to get 6-8 hours of sleep/night- research shows it takes that amount of sleep for release of growth hormone, your body's natural healing chemical.
  • Don't drink caffeine after 4:00 PM - there are plenty of no-caffeine options available such as some herbal teas, or just good ol' water in the evenings.
  • Avoid heavy meals after 6:00 PM - our culture tends to emphasize a hearty meal in the evenings, but in reality, it's best to fuel up at breakfast and lunch and eat a lighter dinner.
  • Create a nighttime 'ritual' - try to go to bed at around the same time every night, and have a 'ritual' in which you do the same things in the same order so that your body knows its time to shut down.
  • Do not watch TV or play video/ cell phone games for an hour before you plan on sleeping - this sort of brain activity is the exact opposite to the brain waves needed for rest.
  • Eliminate all light sources from the room - consider your cell phone, computer, and even the glow of your digital alarm clock.  
And how will you be getting your tickets this week?
Good luck and sweet dreams!


10 Weeks of Wellness - Week 1: Posture!

Posted: January 11, 2013
By: Dr. Drew Rubin


Welcome to the first week of Rubin Family Chiropractics 10 Weeks of Wellness Challenge!  As you may have read in this post, the goal of the project is to get you on your way to leading an all-around healthier lifestyle.  Every week well be introducing a new goal.  By completing it, you will earn a ticket towards a drawing for prizes!  You can also earn tickets by completing additional tasks, which well explain each week on this blog!  Here are the 10 weekly goals we have established for the program!

Week 1 (Jan. 7): Posture Pod Exercises
Week 2 (Jan. 14): Sleep
Week 3 (Jan. 21): Affirmation
Week 4 (Jan. 28): Caffeine Free
Week 5 (Feb. 4): Walking
Week 6 (Feb. 11): Random Acts of Kindness
Week 7 (Feb. 18): Gluten Free
Week 8 (Feb. 25): Sunshine and Meditation
Week 9 (Mar. 4): Dairy Free
Week 10 (Mar. 11): Gratitude

This weeks goal is to improve your posture! For those of you that have been in the office already this week, you received a sticker with posture pod exercises.  For everyone who wants to get a jump start before their adjustments, the exercises can be found here.  You can earn tickets for this weeks goal in these ways:

Completing your exercises every day 1 ticket (for the whole week)
Commenting on this blog post about how your posture affects your wellness 1 ticket
Commenting on our Facebook page ( 1 ticket
Posting a picture or video of you and your family doing the posture pod to Facebook 2 tickets

Posture is a very important part of leading a healthy lifestyle.  Most obvious to chiropractors is the face that poor posture alters the relationship between the bones of the spine which can inhibit the function of the nerves that pass between those bones.  However, there are many other reasons (as if you still needed them!) to improve posture.  Standing up straight increases lung capacity, which improves blood oxygenation.  This will allow you to think more clearly and have more energy throughout the day.  Posture also  affects confidence!  Think of those people in your life you view as powerful and positive you wont see them slouching over giving speeches or otherwise changing the world.  Other people will treat you with more respect if you carry yourself in such a way that commands that respect.  So pay a little extra attention to your posture this week let us know how it makes you feel!

Food Sensitivity vs. Food Allergies

Posted: November 28, 2012
By: Dr. Drew Rubin
Last week we discussed the signs and symptoms of food allergies, along with their rising incidence.  Today, our discussion shifts to food sensitivities.  The major confusion around food sensitivities comes from the fact that while similar to an allergy, they are actually a different entity.  Make no mistake, however - they can be just as harmful if not monitored and controlled.

What is a food sensitivity?
A food sensitivity is actually a broad term that encompasses both food allergies AND food intolerances.  This means that someone can not be allergic to a food but still be sensitive to it.  Intolerance does NOT trigger an immune response, meaning it is not detected during traditional food allergy testing.  An allergic response is triggered by a protein, while an intolerance results from some other incompatibility between a food and an individual's digestive system.  One intolerance many people are familiar with is lactose intolerance - a situation where a person does not produce the enzymes necessary to break down the sugar lactose found in dairy products.

What are some symptoms associated with food intolerance/sensitivity?

Aside from those reactions mentioned in response to food allergy other symptoms a person with a food sensitivity may experience are as follows:
  • Dizziness
  • Sinus conditions
  • Runny/stuffed nose
  • Digestive issues
  • Brain Fog
  • Poor Memory
  • Learning Disorders
  • Eczema
  • Asthma
  • Headache
  • ADHD
and many more!

What are some common foods to which people are sensitive?
Up to 90% of food sensitivities are caused by the following foods: celery, cereals with gluten, crustaceans, eggs, fish, milk, mollusks, mustard, nuts, peanuts, sesame seeds, soy, and sulfites.  This is far from a complete list of foods that can trigger sensitivities, so it is important to be aware of what you and your children are consuming.  It is also important to know that sensitivities may occur in response to the chemicals in the air, water, and on our food as well. 

What can I do about food sensitivity?
The most important thing you can do is be aware of the things you family is consuming.  If you suspect a sensitivity, eliminate that food from the diet for a minimum of three weeks and observe the way the you or your child feels or behaves.  If you have a clearer head and more energy with out the suspected food in your diet, odds are you are sensitive to it and should try to avoid it as much as possible.  As to chemical sensitivities, attempt to eat organic and opt for natural cleaning products whenever possible.  As always, we encourage those with sensitivities to supplement their routines with regular adjustments to keep the body functioning at it's highest level!  Rubin Family Chiropractic, as always, is here to help in any way possible...especially with those adjustments!


Eye-Opening Opportunity: View "Doctored" Online free!

Posted: November 15, 2012
By: Dr. Drew Rubin
Several weeks ago we brought your attention to the movie "Doctored", which presents an often-untold story about the medical industry and it's complicated web of bias, money, and back-room deals.  Not surprising with movies of this sort, the release was limited in the number of showings and length of availability.  However, we have great news for those of you looking for a more critical look at the healthcare system we often accept as infallible.  For a limited time only (5 days left!) you can view the full length movie on Dr. Joseph Mercola's website linked below.  Take the opportunity to educate yourself and start a conversation!  We would love to hear your reactions - email us at


A Happy, Healthy Halloween!

Posted: October 31, 2012
By: Dr. Drew Rubin
As those of you that came to our Fourth Annual Halloween Bash last Friday know, Rubin Family Chiropractic loves Halloween.  It's that one day a year when you can let your inner superhero or princess show on the outside (without raising any eyebrows, that is)  However, Halloween can also lead to sugar highs and tummy aches if not handled carefully.  Here are a few things to consider in order ensure both a happy and a healthy Halloween:

  • If you wouldn't want your children eating it, think twice about handing it out to the neighbors kids.  Remember, you get what you give - so put forth the very best!  Consider skipping the more processed candies for something made with organic ingredients.  Yummy Earth makes some of the tastiest organic lollipops around; they're what we like to give out at our office and can be found at Whole Foods.  Perhaps consider giving snack packs of Annie's graham bunny's or other non-candy treats that can be found at your local organic food store.  They might be a little more expensive, but think of it as planting an idea in the heads of other parents who see your treats as they are sorting through their children's pillow cases later!
  • Maybe skip handing out food all together! Now, you don't have to be the dreaded "House on the Block that Gives Out Pennies" - you could be the awesome family that gives out new Halloween pencils, or packs of crayons, or other small toys.  A whole variety of handouts can be found at the dollar store and you'll have the benefit of standing out amongst a sea of chocolate.  Plus, it'll last more than 30 seconds once the kiddos get home!
  • If you absolutely can't bring yourself to give up on the idea of handing out standard Halloween candy, do your research as to which types are the "least unhealthy", and try to limit the amount that each trick-or-treater takes
  • When your own ghouls and goblins come home, try to limit the candy intake per day.  If possible, perhaps offer an exchange - 25 cents per piece of candy they are willing to part with. Or trade the candy for a healthier variety like those described previously.
  • As to what to do with all of those leftover treats?  Many dentists offer free toothbrushes and other goodies in exchange for candy you turn in.  There are always food pantries to donate to - not that we want the less fortunate to be stuck with low-nutrient food, but it's hard to justify even candy going to waste when it could brighten someone's day.
What ever your decisions around the holiday are, remember it's about having fun and being safe! Feel free to stop by in costume today - we love to see our patients enjoying the holiday!
