Stones that Align with the Sun
Stonehenge was put up in the center of this historical site in central England in about 2500 BC. There is an important significance on how the stones were aligned. Researchers believe that the stones were more than just a temple, but actually served as an astronomical calendar. There were carefully positioned in relation to the sun’s solstices. This careful alignment could not have been accidental, since the sun’s rising happens in different directions at different latitudes. So this alignment must have been very precisely calculated and the concept of alignment became fundamental to the design of Stonehenge. Not only were the stone’s alignment extremely important, but the physical site was purposely chosen by people who were knowledgeable in astronomy and where the sun rose and set at the time of each solstice.
The primary alignment at Stonehenge is called the Avenue. This is where the light from both the winter and summer solstice line up perfectly through the stones which makes for the breathtaking view you see above.
Alignment was the most crucial thing to make this phenomenon possible. It was well thought out and took time to execute. Alignment should be a crucial part in all of our lives. Not only it is important to have your spine aligned so that your brain and nerve system can work at its optimum potential, but to also have your lives aligned. Aligned to your core values, principles, lifestyle, beliefs. Your life will just as phenomenal as Stonehenge when you put in the time and effort to be ALIGNED!