The New Girl Who Knows Nothing about Chiropractic
My name is Emily Barnett and I am new on staff at Rubin Family Chiropractic. I will be working the front desk and writing weekly blogs about my journey working in a chiropractic office. First thing you should know is that I have zero background experience in chiropractic. Because of this, my blogging journey will be quite entertaining as I learn more about this field and write about it in a way you could understand, if you’re in the same boat as me of course.
I’m very excited about being a part of the team here at Rubin Family Chiropractic. I believe, despite my lack of knowledge in chiropractic, I can provide valuable skills to the office. I’ve had a lot of experience working with children.
In 2012, I accepted an internship at Walt Disney World as a character and parade performer. My time at Disney consisted of being friends with many of your favorite classic Disney characters. Most importantly, I was friends with Tinkerbell. I had a magical time meeting and interacting with families from all over the world. My job description not only was to high-five and hug kids for a living, but it was also to bring joy into people’s life.
Currently, I work for a princess company based in Atlanta. I attend birthday parties and corporate events on the weekends. I lead these events as fairytale characters and my events consist of princess lessons, interactive storytelling and sing-along, face painting and balloon animals.
This experience has enabled me to be able to keep children entertained and connect with them on a level that they would understand. I’m looking forward to learning more and sharing all that I have learned as a chiropractic assistant.