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Eye Movements and Childhood Development

Posted: October 4, 2019
By: Chris Johnson, intern, & Dr. D

                  Nearly every child will have its vision checked at some point. You’re probably familiar with the traditional test, in which children are asked to read the letters on a poster from across the room. While this is a great way to screen kids for vision problems that might require glasses, you might be surprised to learn that many eye issues can go undetected during this typical screening. This is because many of the issues- such as the ability to focus the eyes on one spot, or to follow moving objects- are not really problems with the eye at all. Often, an imbalance in brain activity is to blame. These imbalances are especially common in children who are struggling developmentally, academically or behaviorally.

                  One of the best examples of this connection is seen in dyslexic children. Dyslexia, which is a difficulty with reading, was once something of a mystery to doctors. Recent research has shown that not only do some kids have trouble processing the words that they read, but often their eyes are actually unable to smoothly follow the words on a page. Instead, their eyes may jerk slightly back and forth, making the words nearly impossible to understand. No wonder so many of these kids tire out and are frustrated when trying to read. But there’s good news: Just like a muscle, “weak” areas of the brain can be strengthened with practice. Often, simple exercises can be performed at home to help strengthen any underactive areas of the brain. That’s why all children in our office are screened for problems with eye movements.

                  And there’s more good news! More research has shown the power of chiropractic care to help kids normalize brain and eye function! Chiropractic adjustments can help remove irritation from the nervous system and provide the stimulation needed to form strong connections in the brain. This is just one more reason that all children should be regularly checked by a chiropractor.

Sugar's Affects on your Child's Brain

Posted: August 7, 2019
By: Alyssa Quimby, intern, & Dr. D

Did you know what excess sugar does not only have a negative impact on your child’s cardiac health and waistline, but there are some recent studies on how sugar can negatively impact your child’s brain and memory function??

A study done by the University of Southern California found that a large amount of sugary drinks consumed during childhood will cause metabolic imbalances and have negative impacts on short term memory capabilities in adulthood. Another study conducted at UCLA on rats in 2012, showed that the more fructose the rats consumed, the slower the brain function and brain activity. Sugar causes inflammation in the brain, and this inflammation slows down cognitive function. Over time, this decreased cognitive function will negatively impact a person’s ability to focus and their ability to form memories. 

With extreme levels of sugar consumption, it can actually cause interferences with the neurotransmitters in the brain and these neurotransmitters are responsible for stabilizing moods. Without the ability to stabilize mood, this can lead to depression or anxiety symptoms in children. In a brain imaging study, elevated blood glucose dramatically impacts someone’s ability to process emotion. This can even be shown to impact healthy young people’s brains. A study in 2017 published in Scientific Journals, found that those with higher sugar consumption were 23% more likely to be diagnosed with a mental disorder than those with lower sugar intake.

So how much is too much?? Any added sugars consumed over 4 tablespoons per day is considered unhealthy for children. To put this in perspective, the average adult in America eats approximately 22 tablespoons of added sugars everyday! Try supplementing those sugar cravings with fresh fruit to give the brain the glucose it needs to function optimally without going overboard!  Or sweeten with healthier options like agave, evaporated cane juice, or maple syrup.

Stones that Align with the Sun

Posted: July 24, 2019
By: Alyssa Quimby, intern, & Dr. D


Stonehenge was put up in the center of this historical site in central England in about 2500 BC. There is an important significance on how the stones were aligned. Researchers believe that the stones were more than just a temple, but actually served as an astronomical calendar. There were carefully positioned in relation to the sun’s solstices. This careful alignment could not have been accidental, since the sun’s rising happens in different directions at different latitudes. So this alignment must have been very precisely calculated and the concept of alignment became fundamental to the design of Stonehenge. Not only were the stone’s alignment extremely important, but the physical site was purposely chosen by people who were knowledgeable in astronomy and where the sun rose and set at the time of each solstice. 

 The primary alignment at Stonehenge is called the Avenue. This is where the light from both the winter and summer solstice line up perfectly through the stones which makes for the breathtaking view you see above.

Alignment was the most crucial thing to make this phenomenon possible. It was well thought out and took time to execute. Alignment should be a crucial part in all of our lives. Not only it is important to have your spine aligned so that your brain and nerve system can work at its optimum potential, but to also have your lives aligned. Aligned to your core values, principles, lifestyle, beliefs. Your life will just as phenomenal as Stonehenge when you put in the time and effort to be ALIGNED!

Nursing Issues with Newborns?

Posted: March 4, 2019
By: Dr. Drew Rubin and Dan Traxler

Breastfeeding is a beautiful and natural phenomena between a mother and her child. As ICPA director Dr. Jeane Ohm states “Significant research shows that from a nutritional, immunological, digestive, neurological, developmental, mental, psychological and emotional standpoint, there is no replacement”. The physical latch of the baby onto the mother’s breast itself is natural and incredible. Yet just because something is simple, natural, and beautiful does not mean problems don’t arise. Occasionally there can be issues with nursing and latching that can be due to a wide variety of factors. Without a proper latch, the baby will not be able to get the milk he or she needs, which can lead to not enough weight gain. An improper latch can also create cracked and painful nipples for the mother, which perpetuates the cycle of poor milk supply and malnutrition. This post aims to hit some of the most common problems we hear about with nursing/latching in our office. If you are someone who is having some of these issues or issues that are not discussed in this post, know that it is important to consult with your doctor or lactation consultant.

Fussy Baby - There can be a variety of reasons a baby is fussy. A baby’s only way of audible communication with the world is to fuss and cry. This can indicate tiredness, hunger, or overstimulated among other things.

Sleepy Baby - It is common for newborns to spend their time sleeping when they aren’t feeding. If your baby doesn’t wake to feed, try waking him/her every 2 to three hours by talking, changing their diaper, or holding him/her in a different position. Try massaging your breast gently, known as hand expressing, and the baby will most likely wake up and swallow. Also try gently stroking under the baby’s chin.

Tongue Tie-  Latest research has shown that up to 10% of children born today have tongue tie, or an extra thick piece of flesh under the tongue called the frenulum.  This thickened frenulum presents extra challenges in getting the child to latch properly since they cannot get their tongue fully out of their mouths.  This in turn affects the newborn’s cranial and upper neck so chiropractic and cranial adjustments can be beneficial for the baby.    

Flat/Inverted Nipples - If the baby is unable to get the entire nipple and areola in their mouth it can be difficult to form the suction to draw milk out of the breast. Some babies do not have a problem with inverted nipples, while to others it can present a problem. You can try breast pumping for a few minutes before nursing to draw out and lengthen your nipple, or talk to your doctor about a nipple shield.

Painful Breast- If a clogged duct persists or there is a damaged nipple or mastitis (breast inflammation), there can be redness and swelling in an area around the nipple. There are a number of home remedies for mastitis including placing cleaned dry cabbage leaves around your breast during the day, massaging, gentle heat, and boosting your immune system with chiropractic adjustments and/or vitamin C to help fight the inflammation. If the problem lasts for more than 24 hours, or you develop a fever, then consult your doctor or midwife.

Spitting Up after Feeding - Most babies spit up after feeding, and might be a sign that they slightly over ate or had gas during their feed. There is a difference between a “happy spitter” and an “unhappy spitter”. If your baby spits up once or twice and remains happy, doesn’t seem distressed and continues to gain weight then they are a “happy spitter”. If the baby seems distressed or extra fussy, or does not continuously gain weight or loses weight, or projectile spits then they would be an “unhappy spitter”. This might be reflux and often indicates they might benefit from chiropractic care as well as a change in their diet.

Nursing can be wonderful and it is not always easy. Don’t hesitate to reach out and ask questions if anything comes up or you would like to learn more about your nursing experience with your child. It is a learning process for both mother and baby. Many latching problems can be resolved with a few simple adjustments, but should anything persist make sure to reach your doctor, midwife, or lactation consultant. With some help, you can turn your breastfeeding challenges into a breastfeeding success. 



Technology as a new cause of subluxation

Posted: March 4, 2019
By: Dr. Drew Rubin and Krista Fran

The causes of subluxation have been described as the three T’s ever since 1910 when D.D. Palmer, the founder of chiropractic, identified them as thoughts, traumas and toxins. As the world around us changes it seems we have a new T to be introduced into the mix, technology.

It is easy for people to grasp the concept of how physical traumas can cause subluxations, or misalignments in the spine. Forceful injuries or falls and car accidents are obviously traumatic to the body, though we can also suffer from micro traumas due to common behaviors we do on a day-to-day basis. Such micro traumas can include: poor posture, carrying a heavy backpack/purse, wearing high heels, repetitive motions for work or sports, and poor sleeping positions. Trauma is the most well known cause of subluxation in today’s society. However, it is much more than that, which is where the other T’s come into play.

Toxins may not be as obvious of a cause as a direct trauma, but can have just as many consequences in disrupting the communication in your nervous system. Our bodies can become imbalanced through toxins found in what we eat or drink as well as toxins present in our environment. Some examples of these toxins are: GMO/processed foods, chemical cleaning agents, air pollution, food sensitivities/allergens, vaccines and other medications.

The third T, thoughts, tends to be the most overlooked cause of subluxation, but can be one of the biggest contributors. Stressful situations trigger a chemical imbalance in our bodies, blood pressure and heart rate increase, leading to muscle tension. Lack of recovery from this imbalance can disrupt every system of the body. Whether we are aware of the stress or not, it will still have a negative effect on our overall wellbeing. This is why it is important to take time to decompress throughout the day, stay active and focus on your breath.

Now, for the newest of the T’s…In the last 10 years we have really seen an evolution in technology. There are many benefits to this in society, however it has also led to a lot of problems with the generations that are now constantly on their phones or computers. As chiropractors we are seeing more forward head posture than ever before, it has even coined the name “tech neck.” Studies have revealed that American mobile phone users look down at phones an average of 2.7 hours a day, which can cause neck strain over long periods of time. An adult human head weighs about 10 pounds when looking straight ahead, but that weight multiplies to up to 50-60 pounds of weight on the neck when hunched over due to the effect of gravity. Some helpful tips to avoid this fourth T from causing havoc to your nervous system include:

  1. Raise your screen higher so that it is eye level
  2. Take breaks often and/or set a time limit for how long you will use your devices
  3. Sit in a chair with a headrest so you can maintain good posture
  4. Strengthen and stretch your muscles
  5. Get checked by your chiropractor to remove any nerve interference


Cuellar JM, Lanman TH. “Text neck”: an epidemic of the modern era of cell phones? Spine J. 2017. 17(6):901-2.


Tongue Tie, Colic, Reflux & Chiropractic

Posted: February 25, 2019
By: Dr. Drew Rubin, Krista Frank &

Tongue Tie

The prevalence of tongue-tie in newborn infants is 0.3-12%. Tongue tie, also called ankyloglossia, is when the tissue attached to the underside of the tongue and the base of the mouth is very tight, thick, or extends too far forward in the mouth. This is something children are born with and means the tongue cannot move freely. One of the biggest concerns with tongue-tie is trouble breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is an irreplaceable bonding experience for mom and baby and has so many great benefits. Jeanne Ohm, D.C., offers the chiropractic perspective: “Significant research shows that from a nutritional, immunological, digestive, neurological, developmental, mental, psychological and emotional standpoint, there is no replacement.” However, due to the extra tissue present with tongue-tie it makes latching and suckling very hard for the infant; this can lead to malnutrition in baby and reduced milk production in mom.

Chiropractic is very beneficial for babies that suffer from tongue-tie. A strong focus is placed on the cranial bones and the affected facial joints and tissues (i.e. TMJ). With these specific and gentle adjustments the joints are put back into alignment, mobility is restored, pain and muscle tightness are alleviated, and the tissues are allowed to heal. Making sure the infants’ nervous system is clear also helps with their recovery if a frenotomoy (tongue-tie surgery) is necessary. Exercises will also be given for the parents to do at home in order to aid in the mobility process. The La Leche League identifies chiropractic as an effective modality for babies whose muscles and bones are not working well together causing the baby to be in pain, or to be a poor feeder. Addressing these concerns early can also help alleviate other symptoms tongue-tie may present with down the line like speech impairments and dental disease.


Colic and Reflux

Colic is when a baby cries for several hours a day for multiple days per week. Often the baby draws their knees up and is hard to comfort. Approximately 10-20% of babies suffer from this. Healthcare professionals say that colic is the waves of pain associated with distension of the bowel.

Reflux, on the other hand, is the movement of fluid, food and sometimes acid into the esophagus. Certain foods can trigger reflux or colic; the main culprits being food containing dairy, and gassy foods such as onions, broccoli and beans.

If breastfeeding, this relates to the food a mother eats or drinks. It is usually advisable that mothers avoid coffee, chocolate, alcohol and dairy for two to three weeks to see if this makes a difference. If not breastfed, the baby’s formula needs to be looked at. Often using a lactose-free formula can reduce gas or acid build-up. Probiotics for both mothers and infants can also help counteract this. How can chiropractic help with this? According to a study done by Dr. Alcantara and Dr. Anderson, they reported the successful chiropractic care of a 3-month old female with subjective complaints consistent with GERD in addition to fuss-cry-irritability with sleep disorder syndrome and irritable infant syndrome of musculoskeletal origin. This study suggests the possibility that similar patients may benefit from chiropractic care.


Auerbach A. Tongue-tie: a holistic approach for breastfeeding infants. Pathways. Issue 48.

Ferranti, Melissa, Alcantara, Joel, & Adkins, Michelle. “Resolution of Breastfeeding Difficulties and Plagiocephaly in an Infant Undergoing Chiropractic Care.”  Journal of Pediatric, Maternal, & Family Health.  2016.2 (2016): 42-45.

Alcantara, J., & Anderson, R. (2008). Chiropractic care of a pediatric patient with symptoms associated with gastroesophageal reflux disease, fuss-cry-irritability with sleep disorder syndrome and irritable infant syndrome of musculoskeletal origin. The Journal of the Canadian Chiropractic Association52(4), 248-55.


The power of communication and connection

Posted: January 28, 2019
By: Dr. Drew Rubin and Krista Fran

Do you feel like you are noticed when you walk into a room? The truth is you are; however, the real question is: what is the first impression that you are making? In order to have a professional presence about yourself you need to exude confidence.  You don’t have to have a loud voice or an over the top outfit on to stand out, you just need to know how to communicate properly and make the right connections. Chiropractic is a profession focused on connection, and we want to be able to communicate that message with you! Below you will find some of the top techniques to think about and utilize to enhance your communication skills.

  1. Maintain eye contact

This allows the individual that you are interacting with know that you are actively listening to what they are saying. The appropriate amount of time to use direct eye contact is between 40-60% of the time. Another important factor to note is where your eye contact is – the most professional use of direct eye contact is to think of a triangle from the eyes to the forehead, and focus your attention there.

  1. Be aware of your body language

The way you hold yourself and utilize your posture says a lot about you and the energy you portray. Remember to stand tall and in a neutral position (arms at your sides) while you speak. It is okay to use your hands to talk, just be aware that when it is done too much or too large of movements are used it becomes distracting for the listener. Finally, remember to smile!

  1. Master your handshake

A handshake is the physical greeting that goes with our words.  When you introduce yourself to another person or are responding to an introduction, have a firm, but friendly handshake. This exudes confidence as well as professionalism.

  1. Highlight your people skills

Small talk can be the gateway to a lasting relationship. Let the other person be the center of attention and ask them questions about themselves.  By doing so, you will demonstrate that you are interested in others and what they have to say.  Once the conversation has finished, they will leave thinking that you were very attentive and ultimately able to form abundant connections.

        5. Proper posture

Posture is the window into the spine and nerve system, and if your posture is not balanced, then your nervous system isn’t balanced either.  This makes it more difficult to connect with others if you are not well connected with yourself. Make sure you get your spine checked regularly to keep your spine, brain and nerve system as well connected as possible! 

These tools will help you be more approachable in any environment. Don’t be afraid to start conversations with people, because you never know what you are going to be able to learn or teach through the connections you form.


Bloomstra Consulting founded by Ms. Erin Crotty

The Crooked Face Epidemic

Posted: January 11, 2019
By: Dr. Drew Rubin and Lysander Bo

Go to your nearest mirror and gently examine your face. Is it symmetrical? Are your ears at the same level? Are your eyebrows level? Are your eyes looking straight to the center or does one deviate a little inward or outward? Now, go to your baby/child and look for the same things: is their face symmetrical? This is what Forrest Maready has discussed in his book called “Crooked: Man-made Disease Explained.” He states that having a “crooked” face potentially signifies symptoms that might lead to disorders/diseases that start years earlier due to our constant exposure to toxins in our bodies. Mr. Maready is not the only one that has noticed a change in symmetry in babies and children; here at Rubin Family Chiropractic we have noticed that too.


According to Mr. Maready, some early warning signs might be a crooked smile, droopy frown, having an outward or inward turned eye, partial eye blinking, or droopy face. All of these have to do with dysfunction, to some extent, of the cranial nerves. Research shows that 1 out of 5 children will be born with some sort of neurological problem, and spotting asymmetry in the face maybe one of the first warning signs that the nervous system is not working like its supposed to. At Rubin Family Chiropractic, when we see these asymmetries improve, it shows that it’s a nervous system issue!


Mama, Maintain Your Power, or Keeping Strong During Pregnancy & Birth

Posted: December 4, 2018
By: Dr. Drew Rubin & Olivia Miller

“It is no coincidence that the first and often greatest cause of nerve system stress in our society, the birth process, is also where women’s intuitive powers have been squelched the most.” -Jeanne Ohm, DC

As a mother of three wonderful tiny humans, I have had three different birthing experiences in which I deeply felt the attempts to “squelch intuitive powers” by well-meaning loved ones and health care professionals. Many times I was able to stay strong because I confidently knew that my choice was the right one for our family. Other times, I caved because I didn’t know what, if any, other options were available. Through each pregnancy, I became stronger in my boundaries and more knowledgeable about choices that families should make as they welcome the newest member.

This weekend was an empowering, healing one for me as mother first and chiropractor second. Jeanne Ohm, DC is one of the leaders of the chiropractic profession in perinatal care, and she shares her knowledge worldwide. I’m grateful she came to Atlanta just two weeks before I graduate as a Doctor of Chiropractic. Her Webster Technique Certification seminar trains chiropractors in the specific adjustments that can be used for anyone experiencing misalignments within the pelvis. She also inspires the doctors to better educate and empower their communities for safer, easier pregnancies and births.

At the seminar this weekend, we discussed the three main concerns medical professionals have about the birthing process. According to the Williams Obstetrics, the training manual for obstetricians: The mother’s uterus may not have the power or proper strength to push the baby to appropriately dilate the cervix for delivery; the mother’s pelvis may be improperly shaped; or the baby may not be positioned optimally for birth. While each of these concerns is viable, there are natural measures to take that may prevent any or all of them, and chiropractic care is one of those options.

Dr. Ohm shared her clinical observations and evidence-based research regarding chiropractic care for pregnant women with respect to each of the three concerns. Through regular checks of sacral and pelvic alignment and specific adjustments, normal physiologic function may be restored. Nerve system stress is reduced, enhancing function of all muscles including the uterus. Proprioception and normal muscle tone is restored. Pelvic balance is optimized allowing for maximum space. Any aberrant tension on the uterus may eliminated, and the baby has the optimal environment to assume the best possible position for birth.

As stated before, I had three very different pregnancies and birthing experiences. This seminar reminded me that each one was exactly as it needed to be, and I see now that each one provides opportunities to share with my patients some of the do’s and don’ts on a personal level. One of the best choices I made for each pregnancy was to find a chiropractor who worked with me throughout pregnancy and helped me find the resources to make informed health choices. In order to maintain our power throughout motherhood, we must remain educated, and to perform at our best each day, we need our nervous system--our body’s power system--functioning without interference.

Thank you, Dr. Ohm, for the inspirational learning experience. I cried and laughed and connected to my power as a mother and chiropractor.  Thank you for encouraging the healing process to continue for myself and through me for others.

Thank you, Dr. Rubin, for the opportunity to learn from you on a daily basis. I have learned more from my internship experience at Rubin Family Chiropractic than I imagined possible. “It takes a village” to grow families, and I am grateful you welcomed me into yours to serve your patients. I look forward to taking all that you have taught and sharing it with my own village.

Resources for parents: ICPA Public Website Science and Sensibility Gentle Birth Website Birthing from Within International Cesarean Awareness Network Empowered Childbirth

How chiropractic can strengthen your immune system this holiday season!

Posted: November 30, 2018
By: Dr. Drew Rubin and Krista Fran

Are you feeling bogged down after the rush of Thanksgiving? Did you overstuff yourself at the multiple celebrations? Did you spend all weekend getting the best deals at all your local stores? Or on the other side, did you spend all day sitting on the couch watching the football games? Did you travel long distances and/or sleep in a bed that wasn’t your own? If you answered yes to any of the above questions, that could be the cause as to why you are feeling a little under the weather.

Our immune systems are the basis of our health, which of course plays a big role when it comes to our overall wellness and happiness. The immune system is the body's defense against infectious organisms and other invaders. Through a process called the immune response, this system attacks invading organisms and substances as they enter the body and work to cause disease. The immune system can be weakened by sources like those alluded to before: stress, lack of sleep, sedentary lifestyle (like watching TV all day), poor diet/overeating, going from hot to cold climates and vice versa (like in and out of stores) and of course traveling (especially on airplanes).

So what can we do to help? Chiropractic focuses on making sure our brain and nervous system are clearly coordinating all bodily systems. There is a strong connection between the nervous system, the immune system and the endocrine system. When these 3 systems are functioning well together they help to keep our bodies resilient and strong. However, when one is hindered, the others have to try to compensate – leading to that bogged down feeling. Here at RFC we analyze the spine for subluxations and give corrective adjustments to reduce the stress on the nervous system, subsequently impacting the immune system in a positive way.  One study even showed that individuals under chiropractic care were found to have a 200% greater immune competence than those not under chiropractic care.

In order to stay healthy this holiday season, and make sure you are prepared for some of these hindrances to your immune system that may arise, here are some additional tips you can follow!

  1. Get adjusted – come see us regularly at RFC to get checked and make sure your nervous system is free of interference
  2. Wash your hands – with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
  3. Stay active – find something you enjoy doing and go out and do it
  4. Drink lots of water – aim for ½ an ounce to an ounce of water for each pound you weigh
  5. Get a good nights sleep – try going to sleep and waking up at the same time each day and try to turn off all electronic devices at least an hour before bed
  6. Make healthy food choices – skip the processed and sugary foods, try to shop the outskirts of the grocery store for more fresh options (i.e. vegetables and fruits)
  7. Take in as much sun as you can – vitamin D can also be supplemented this time of year since we don’t get as many opportunities to be outside if its cold, but this vitamin plays an important role in keeping our immune system functioning at its best


Pero R. "Medical Researcher Excited By CBSRF Project Results." The Chiropractic Journal, August 1989; 32.
